Siren Gold Limited uploaded a News Release
January 31, 2024
Quarterly Activities Report
- Five diamond holes were completed at Auld Creek, with all five holes intersecting significant mineralisation in the Bonanza East Shoot.
- ACDDH011 intersected 5m @ 4.1g/t Au, 7.0% Sb for 20.6g/t AuEq from 78.3m, including 3.1m @ 6.5g/t Au, 11.4% Sb for 33.4g/t AuEq.
- ACDDH013 intersected 4.5m @ 1.6g/t Au, 1.7% Sb for 5.5g/t AuEq.
- ACDDH014 intersected 2.7m @ 2.8g/t Au, 1.1% Sb for 5.3g/t AuEq.
- ACDDH012 intersected 5m @ 2.1g/t Au from 18.7m.
- ACDDH011 also intersected the footwall of the Fraternal Shoot and the base of the block model, returning 1.7m @ 3.6g/t Au, 1.7% Sb for 6.8g/t AuEq.
- Siren’s Reefton Mineral Resource estimate stands at 444koz of gold and 8.7kt of Sb for 511koz @ 4.4g/t AuEq, with Bonanza East still to be included.
- Siren’s maiden fieldwork at the Langdons prospect has recorded outstanding gold and antimony grades at surface of up to 506g/t Au and 9.3% Sb.
- An Ionic Leach soil survey recently carried out at Sams Creek has identified a second major Au-As-Mo anomaly at Anvil, similar to the Main Zone anomaly which contains a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 824koz @ 2.8g/t Au.
- The Anvil anomaly extends for at least 1km from the mineralised outcrop with significant rock chips recording up to 57g/t Au.
- The Anvil anomaly might represent a NE plunging mineralised fold hinge similar to the Main Zone located 1km to the east.
- Siren’s Global Mineral Resource estimate now stands at 1.27Moz of gold and 8.7kt of Sb for 1.33Moz @ 3.3g/t AuEq (100% basis).
- Positive policy direction from the New Zealand Government and Ministers sworn in 27 November 2023, with key policy agreements to strengthen mining and regional development.
- The Hon Shane Jones, Minister for Resources, has expressed strong support for mining and critical mineral extraction in New Zealand