Siren Gold Limited uploaded a News Release
January 17, 2024
Bonanza Gold and Antimony Grades Confirmed at Langdons
- Siren’s maiden fieldwork at the Langdons prospect has recorded bonanza gold and antimony grades at surface of up to 506g/t Au and 9.3% Sb.
- Langdons is a more recent tenement application and contains a number of high-grade Au-Sb reefs, that were mined historically with a recovered grade of 60g/t Au.
- Early reported historical mining grades at Langdon were up to 2,610g/t Au and 1,120g/t Ag.
- A trench across the Liberty reef 300m along strike from the historic Langdons’ antimony mine returned 1.75m @ 4.5g/t Au.
- Anomalous gold, stibnite and arsenic soil geochemistry extends over an additional 400m of strike length with several mapped quartz reefs.
- The high grade system extends to the edge of the overlying cover and it is expected that the mineralisation will continue under the cover.