Siren Gold Limited uploaded a Presentation
February 5, 2024
Siren Gold Corporate Presentation
Key Highlights:
Reefton Goldfield
- Reefton is a large historic NZ goldfield with previous gold production totalling 11 Moz from alluvial, open cut and 85 historic underground mines.
- Siren has assembled a dominant ~825km2 tenement package across the Reefton Goldfield
- Siren’s current MRE of 511koz @ 3.4g/t AuEq (inclusive of highgrade antimony mineralisation)
Sams Creek
- Sams Creek porphyry dyke 7kms long & 50m wide, open at depth, outstanding exploration potential
- Sams Creek MRE of 824koz @ 2.8g/t Au
Siren’s current Global Resource 1.3Moz @ 3.3g/t AuEq