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Altech Batteries Limited uploaded a News Release
March 29, 2023


Altech – launch of Cerenergy®1.0 MWH gridpack design for renewable energy storage market


  • Launch of 1.0 megawatt-hour (MWh) GridPack design
  • Non-Lithium Battery – Sodium Alumina Solid State
  • Rated at 600 Volts DC and 100 Ah
  • Specially designed for renewable energy and grid storage market
  • Able to be safely installed outdoors in any weather conditions
  • Sea container design, easy transportation by sea or road
  • “Plug and play” site installation
  • GridPacks are modular and stackable which reduces battery footprint
  • Noiseless operation – ideal for noise-sensitive environments
  • Low maintenance costs over battery life
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